Stories from the Youth Exchange "Fact Forward"

Stories from the Youth Exchange "Fact Forward"

Between 29 July and 5 August, 5 participants from Bulgaria joined the Youth Exchange "Fact Forward." 

The project's aim was increasing the awareness about media literacy and how not to become a victim of fakes in social media, developing related skills and critical thinking.
Here is what our participants shared about the project:

My name is Raya and I was a participant and group leader of the Bulgarian team at the awesome project in Bremen, Germany. The project was directly related to how we tell our stories. I dare to say that like every Erasmus project so far, I learned a lot of new things and got a lot of useful information. Along with the new knowledge, I met some wonderful people from different countries like Germany, Portugal, Spain, Georgia, Italy. I learned something about each culture, tried different dishes. I created many new moments that I will keep in my heart forever. I laughed, cried, danced and even meditated. It was a great experience that I will never forget.


The Fact Forward Erasmus+ project provided a great opportunity for me to meet many amazing people and form beautiful memories. During the project I got to know other countries' culture and learn more about their traditions, which was a great experience for me. The project was more focused on storytelling rather than media literacy, which wasn't what I expected, but I'm still satisfied with the experience that I gained by attending it.

I am very glad that I had the opportunity to participate in this project, I had a great time. The training was very fun and interesting. We had the opportunity to develop our creativity and improvise. I met great people with whom we created great moments. I can't wait for the next project.

What do you think of when you hear , that you will spend one week in the forest in a huge villa far away from  civilization? Probably boredom? What if I tell you that this kind of experience was a life-changing Erasmus+youth exchange in the outskirts of Bremen , Germany, full of activities. I got to know different people and we exchanged iour ideas, stories and cultures.  I stepped out of my comfort zone many times during the week , while cooking, in a professional kitchen partying , dancing,  travelling long distances and even performing in front of 30 people! I learned a lot about different strategies of storytelling, writing and acting,, which made me remember this week for a lifetime.

Thank you Tycho Tychishe for organizing this amazing project!